Health & Safety

At Midlands Rural Transport
livestock safety

Health and Safety at Midlands Rural Transport

At Midlands Rural Transport we believe that health and safety is not an extra; without safe operations and healthy and happy staff, there is no business.

We work in a challenging environment with certain risks but strive not only to steer clear of accidents, injuries and ill-health, but also to identify what we do really well, and encourage and improve these things for the benefit of everyone.

When working with us you can request a full copy of our health and safety plan for your job, we ask that you respect our policies and procedures, especially concerning livestock.

the team at midlands rural
We’re all in this together.

With a team effort, we can create a safe and healthy working environment. No one person is responsible, we are a team here to protect each other.

Health and safety is at the heart of our company culture. We understand what the biggest dangers are in our work, and we treat them with respect. We strive to keep these dangers front of mind when we make decisions every day about how to do our work, and how to balance being efficient with being careful.

To meet these commitments

Management will lead the way. We will:

  • Always put health and safety on an equal footing with other business drivers when we make decisions
  • Stay personally involved by visiting work sites regularly
  • Identify the biggest dangers of our work and work out how to they must be managed
  • Provide the training, information, instruction and supervision for our people to do their jobs well while understanding and appreciating the dangers
  • Welcome all reports, both good and bad, and strive to learn and improve our business as a result
  • Support employees to return quickly and safely to work after absence

Good health and safety needs team effort. We invite you to join us on the journey:

  • Take responsibility for your own decisions and actions
  • Look out for others in our workplace including all contractors, customers and visitor
  • Report any hazards, injuries, illness, unsafe practices, rules that don’t work and anything else we can improve without fear or delay, so that we can all learn and share the learning
  • Co-operate with any training, instructions and procedures we provide.
Animal Welfare

When you choose to transport your livestock with Midlands Rural Transport, you place a duty of care onto us to meet your animals’ needs. We ensure that our livestock trucks are inline or exceed the MPI standards including:

  • Providing shelter that is well ventilated
  • Providing protection from adverse weather, including precipitation and extremes of heat and cold
  • Enabling the animals to stand up and lie down in a natural posture
  • Ensuring that faeces and urine do not accumulate in the vehicle to an extent that may pose a threat to the health or welfare
  • From the point of loading onto the vehicle to the point of arrival at the final destination of the journey is no more than 12 hours

All livestock must be of an acceptable age and free from signs of any injury, disease, disability, or impairment that could compromise the animals welfare during the journey to be transported by us. We also ask for loading facilities that minimise the risk of an animal slipping and injuring itself, they must be able to walk on and off safely by themselves.
